Welcome to the SW Scoreboard's

Discord Bot's Site

If you're here you probably already know ;P BUUuuuttt for those that may not.... SkillWarz is a free-to-play first-person shooter written in Unity by a single developer, OneManArmy. It supports multiple OS's; such as: Windows, Mac, and Linux. It has very minimal spec requirements, so many players should be able to enjoy it without needing a "top-tier" system. Heck on my old Dell Latitude e5430 using a linux distro, I was able to maintain 60 frames/sec while fullscreen on low settings.

Well like the long-winded title says, it's dedicated to the Unofficial Discord bot for SkillWarz (see above). The bots reads from the leaderboard on the game's forum to provide a quick way to access player information available there. This means that it can easily page (forwards/backwards) through the top 200 players or you can look for data about a specific user. Because it depends on the same (or close enough) requests as the scoreboard, the bot has the same limitations; namely: no extra fields can be retrieved, player search is case-sensitive, and such.

  1. SwLeaderboard.Js
  2. swleader-v WIP - may be available from time to time on the SwLeaderboard